Friday, September 3, 2010

First Day of School

If anybody is still reading this blog... I am so, so so, SO sorry that I have neglected my posts for so long!!

 Life has been so busy lately. The Quidditch World Cup was AMAZING! It was Bulgaria vs. Ireland, with a final score of Ireland, 170 and Bulgaria, 160. Father and I were cheering for Ireland, so we were happy that they won!

 The first day of school was September 1. It went very well. For my electives, I decided on Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Hogwarts Choir. Thanks for those of you who commented/emailed me their input and advice! It definitely helped me choose.

 It is so wonderful to be back at Hogwarts! Good old Hogwarts is the same as ever, wonderfully, happily, fabulous. School is going well. Care of Magical Creatures and Hogwarts Choir were really good. I have my first Divination class today, so I'll let you know how that goes!

 Toodle Pip.


Thursday, August 5, 2010


I'm so sorry, I know I've been awful about posting on this blog. But I'm afraid I will have to postpone my posts for a little while longer, because August 5 (today), we are leaving for the Quidditch World Cup, which takes place in Belgium! Needless to say, I am very excited. I have no idea when I will be back, it depends on how long the Quidditch game lasts. Some games have been known to last for days and days! Father and I are going alone, Mum is a muggle and doesn't care for Quidditch that much. Plus, there will probably be anti-muggle jinxes and hexes set around the whole place, she might not even be able to see anything except a few ruins, or an old forest.

 I'll be sure to take lots of pictures (if I'm allowed) and I'll tell all about it when I get back!

 Our port-key leaves in 10 minutes.

 Pip Pip!


Friday, July 9, 2010

My Birthday!

Addy here!
 As some of you might know, by birthday was July 7, just this last Wednesday. Due to family stuff we had going on, I was not able to have my party until today. It sure was a lot of fun though! It was a small party, just Stacy, Luna, Becky, Father, Mum, and me.

                                  First we had snacks...

Isn't my cake pretty? Mum made it!

Then we opened presents...
And then we ate cake! Aren't these plates adorable? Mum made them for us. They remind me of lily pads. =)

 So, I had a great birthday! I am now 13 years old, and I don't really feel much different than I did when I was 12! I'm looking forward to another year! Another year of summer fun, hopefully the Quidditch World Cup, spending time with friends and family, and going back to Hogwarts!
 That's all for now, folks.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Entry for Roses are Read's Summer Photo Contest

 There are 5 days until my thirteenth birthday, and I can hardly wait! It will be a fantastic birthday because Stacy, Becky, and Luna have made peace!

 This morning, I guess Stacy felt really bad about how she's been treating everyone. So she apologized to everyone at breakfast. Luna and I were very quick to forgive her. It took Becky a little coaxing, but she finally gave in and apologized as well. I am so excited that everyone has finally made up!

 So since things have been going so well, I invited my human friend Steph over. She took a picture of us, and we decided to enter it for Roses are Read's Summer Photo Contest.
This year, the meaning of summer is extra special. For us, it means new friendships and new beginnings. It means biting our tongues when we want to say something mean, and saying kind things instead. Most of all, it means putting aside our differences and just enjoying the beauty of the season. 

Monday, June 28, 2010

More news (good and bad)

More news! Guess what happened? Luna and Becky showed up on our porch last night! They decided to pop in and stay until my birthday, which is July 7. I was so excited and surprised! We've been planning my party all day so far. It will be small, just Luna, Becky, Stacy, and father and mum.

 Unfortunately, Stacy does not get along at all with Becky and Luna. Stacy is a muggle, and she hates having to do with anyone magical except me. I suppose she doesn't mind me being magical because we've known each other since we were babies and she knows I'm not a loony, but she refuses to trust any stranger who is a wizard or witch. Just the other evening, Stacy made a rude comment to Becky, something along the lines of, "You're a horrid freak just like that Luna girl, and you'd better leave if you know what's good for you." Well, naturally, Becky got quite upset, but unfortunately, she let her temper get the better of her and she nearly gave Stacy the jelly-legs jinx. Now Stacy refuses to speak to any of us, even me. Becky and Stacy are both too stubborn to apologize to each other, so the silence remains. =(

 I really hope all this clears up before my birthday. What an awful birthday it would be, to sit around not speaking to each other!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Great News!

 As my title says, I have great news! I passed my final exams at Hogwarts, and Ravenclaw won the final game of the Quidditch season! As you've probably guessed, since I passed, I will of course be attending Hogwarts next year.

 But right now, I have a whole summer at home! I'm at home now, with father, mum, and my cousin Stacy who will be staying with us for about a month. It's been great so far! My room is currently under-going a re-modeling/decoration process. My family moved into a new house while I was away at Hogwarts, and my bedroom was extremely plain when we purchased the house. So I'm giving it some decorations to make it feel more homey! =) I'll post before and after pictures later when it's finished. =)

 More later! I'd better get back to work.


Friday, June 18, 2010

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Steph here, Addy's "human friend". =)

 As you may have already guessed, I am a huge Harry Potter fan. (The books and movies, not necessarily just him.) I've read all the books and seen all the movies that are out so far, and I love each one of them! The books are, of course, much better than the movies, but that's almost always the case.

 As some of you may already know, today is the opening day of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida! For those of you who don't know, it's a Harry Potter Theme Park that has the Hogwarts castle, the village of Hogsmeade, and roller coasters. The village of Hogsmeade includes Dervish and Bangs where you can buy Sneakoscopes, Omnioculars, and brooms including the Nimbus Two Thousand and the Firebolt, Filch's Emporium of Confiscated Goods where you can buy Hogwarts robes and scarves, Honeydukes, the famous wizarding candy shop, Ollivander's, where your wand "chooses" you, the Owl Post where you can send cards to your friends, The Three Broomsticks where you can have butterbeer, and Zonko's, the joke shop. You can visit the website here.

 I've been hearing about this theme park for quite a while, and now it's finally open! Do any of you have plans to go visit Harry Potter World? I have no immediate plans to visit the theme park, but I definitely hope I can go someday! It sounds like quite a lot of fun.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Today in herbology, as Professor Sprout taught us about gurdyroot's useful qualities, I thought about what elective classes I want to take next year. I take Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, History of Magic, and Astronomy, and I have to continue taking those next year, but I am able to choose extra classes in my third year. The options are:
Study of Ancient Runes
Muggle Studies
Care of Magical Creatures
Hogwarts Choir
 Then as we bottled a mixture of gurdy root and water, (which is quite useful to cure headaches), I asked Luna which electives she would be taking. I was interrupted by her snort of indignation when Professor Sprout said, "Although some believe that Gurdyroot wards of Gulping Plimpies, I highly doubt that such creatures exist". Luna was a bit offended at this comment, as she and her father both believe in them.

 Later, as Becky, Luna, and I were studying in the Ravenclaw common room, (well, I was studying, I believe Becky tossed her books aside, and Luna was holding the Quiddler upside down with a rather dreamy expression on her face), I asked again what electives they planned to take. Becky said she has already decided on Muggle Studies, Arithmancy, and Hogwarts Choir. Luna said, "Well, seeing as we need to learn more about creatures such as Gulping Plimpies, Wrackspurts, Blibbering Humdingers, and Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, so that we know how to deal with them, I think that Care of Magical Creatures would be highly beneficial. I also intend to take Study of Ancient Runes, so that I can decipher the Quibbler's runes without the answer key". She also said that she would like to take Divination.

 I am glad that my friends have decided which classes they want to take, however; I have no idea what electives I should take! There's no way I can take them all without using a Time-Turner and being very stressed, but I don't know how I'll ever be able to choose only three or four. (Sigh.)
 Do any of you readers have ideas of what classes I should take? I would love any of your opinions!!
 Thanks for helping!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nearly the end...

Exams at Hogwarts are coming soon. Before I know it, I'll be sitting in Professor McGonagall's office, filling out the written exams. Then we'll all go from class to class, doing the wand-work. Then we'll have the ending feast. Then the Hogwarts Express will take us to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, where Dad will be waiting for me. In some ways, I'm excited about summer break. The Quidditch World Cup takes place this summer, which will be loads of fun to go see, if Dad can get tickets. In other ways, I'm dreading summer break. I won't see my school friends until the World Cup. But I do have muggle friends to spend time with throughout the summer. So all in all, I think this summer will be lots of fun!
 Here's a picture that my friend Clarissa took while Luna and I were trying to turn our teacups back into beetles. Right before she took this picture, Peeves the Poltergeist smashed a jar right outside the door and Professor McGonagall ran to tell him off. =)
  Unfortunately, this picture does not move. In order to put this picture on the blog, I had to convert it to jpg, which means it is now stationary. =(

Friday, June 11, 2010

Welcome to my blog

Hello, Online Friends!
 My name is Addy Hurdlesnag. I attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am twelve years old, and I have nearly finished my second year at Hogwarts. Our regular classes end June 18, and exams are the following week. My parents are Benjamen and Mary Hurdlesnag. My dad is a wizard, and mum is a muggle. For those of you who don't know, that is just the name of someone who is non-magical. See my profile for more about me.

 I have decided to blog about my life here at Hogwarts, and at home! Professor Dumbledore has agreed to let me blog about my life here at Hogwarts. Normally, muggle devices are not allowed at Hogwarts, but he thinks that keeping a blog would be beneficial to my education. My good friends, Luna and Ginny may post on my blog occasionally as well. Luna is a Ravenclaw like me, and Ginny is in Gryffindor.

 I look forward to blogging about my magical life and reading other doll blogs. Expect more posts in the coming weeks! But right now, I have to get ready for Quidditch practice!
