As some of you might know, by birthday was July 7, just this last Wednesday. Due to family stuff we had going on, I was not able to have my party until today. It sure was a lot of fun though! It was a small party, just Stacy, Luna, Becky, Father, Mum, and me.
First we had snacks...
Isn't my cake pretty? Mum made it!
Then we opened presents...
And then we ate cake! Aren't these plates adorable? Mum made them for us. They remind me of lily pads. =)
So, I had a great birthday! I am now 13 years old, and I don't really feel much different than I did when I was 12! I'm looking forward to another year! Another year of summer fun, hopefully the Quidditch World Cup, spending time with friends and family, and going back to Hogwarts!
That's all for now, folks.