Friday, September 3, 2010

First Day of School

If anybody is still reading this blog... I am so, so so, SO sorry that I have neglected my posts for so long!!

 Life has been so busy lately. The Quidditch World Cup was AMAZING! It was Bulgaria vs. Ireland, with a final score of Ireland, 170 and Bulgaria, 160. Father and I were cheering for Ireland, so we were happy that they won!

 The first day of school was September 1. It went very well. For my electives, I decided on Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Hogwarts Choir. Thanks for those of you who commented/emailed me their input and advice! It definitely helped me choose.

 It is so wonderful to be back at Hogwarts! Good old Hogwarts is the same as ever, wonderfully, happily, fabulous. School is going well. Care of Magical Creatures and Hogwarts Choir were really good. I have my first Divination class today, so I'll let you know how that goes!

 Toodle Pip.
