Friday, June 18, 2010

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Steph here, Addy's "human friend". =)

 As you may have already guessed, I am a huge Harry Potter fan. (The books and movies, not necessarily just him.) I've read all the books and seen all the movies that are out so far, and I love each one of them! The books are, of course, much better than the movies, but that's almost always the case.

 As some of you may already know, today is the opening day of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida! For those of you who don't know, it's a Harry Potter Theme Park that has the Hogwarts castle, the village of Hogsmeade, and roller coasters. The village of Hogsmeade includes Dervish and Bangs where you can buy Sneakoscopes, Omnioculars, and brooms including the Nimbus Two Thousand and the Firebolt, Filch's Emporium of Confiscated Goods where you can buy Hogwarts robes and scarves, Honeydukes, the famous wizarding candy shop, Ollivander's, where your wand "chooses" you, the Owl Post where you can send cards to your friends, The Three Broomsticks where you can have butterbeer, and Zonko's, the joke shop. You can visit the website here.

 I've been hearing about this theme park for quite a while, and now it's finally open! Do any of you have plans to go visit Harry Potter World? I have no immediate plans to visit the theme park, but I definitely hope I can go someday! It sounds like quite a lot of fun.


Cali Hazelwood said...

I too LOVE the Harry Potter books/movies. We live only about 2 or so hours away from Orlando so I think we're going for my birthday in late September. I am so excited to go on the new Hogwarts ride and get a wand, lol. :)

~Sunny (using Cali's account)~

addy said...

Ooh, I'm so jealous, Sunny! LOL. I would love to go to Harry Potter World! And of course, get a wand. Hopefully I'll get there someday. =)
~Steph on Addy's account