Saturday, June 26, 2010

Great News!

 As my title says, I have great news! I passed my final exams at Hogwarts, and Ravenclaw won the final game of the Quidditch season! As you've probably guessed, since I passed, I will of course be attending Hogwarts next year.

 But right now, I have a whole summer at home! I'm at home now, with father, mum, and my cousin Stacy who will be staying with us for about a month. It's been great so far! My room is currently under-going a re-modeling/decoration process. My family moved into a new house while I was away at Hogwarts, and my bedroom was extremely plain when we purchased the house. So I'm giving it some decorations to make it feel more homey! =) I'll post before and after pictures later when it's finished. =)

 More later! I'd better get back to work.


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