Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nearly the end...

Exams at Hogwarts are coming soon. Before I know it, I'll be sitting in Professor McGonagall's office, filling out the written exams. Then we'll all go from class to class, doing the wand-work. Then we'll have the ending feast. Then the Hogwarts Express will take us to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, where Dad will be waiting for me. In some ways, I'm excited about summer break. The Quidditch World Cup takes place this summer, which will be loads of fun to go see, if Dad can get tickets. In other ways, I'm dreading summer break. I won't see my school friends until the World Cup. But I do have muggle friends to spend time with throughout the summer. So all in all, I think this summer will be lots of fun!
 Here's a picture that my friend Clarissa took while Luna and I were trying to turn our teacups back into beetles. Right before she took this picture, Peeves the Poltergeist smashed a jar right outside the door and Professor McGonagall ran to tell him off. =)
  Unfortunately, this picture does not move. In order to put this picture on the blog, I had to convert it to jpg, which means it is now stationary. =(


Cali Hazelwood said...

Wow, Addy! You're so lucky to be able to attend an awesome school like Hogwarts. I hope you have a magical summer (lol!) and can get tickets to the Quidditch World Cup. I love your new blog! :)


addy said...

Thanks so much for commenting, Cali! I'm glad you like my new blog. I know, I really am glad to be here at Hogwarts. Thank you, I hope you have a great summer too! =)